It's beautiful to be Maternally Advanced.
A big challenge is work life-balance. Let's help one another with ideas for efficiency and peace.
WHY "Maternally Advanced"?
I started to get a little beat down when I'd go to the doctor while pregnant, and so often talking with a health care provider, this phrase would come up: Because of your advanced maternal age... While I appreciated the extra care and precautions, it was a little depressing. And there are so many of us now, it's becoming the norm to have children later in life. My personal euphemistic phrase is Maternally Advanced. Definition: Describes women who have waited longer to conceive either by choice or fate, and in doing so, have cultivated wisdom through life experiences. Used in a sentence: You're going to make a great mom; you're so maternally advanced. Cheers to moms of all ages.
This Blog Is Dedicated To All Moms.​..
Whether you're an old mom, a young mom, a mom to pups, a fairy godmother...All moms. As women, it is part of our nature to nurture and that makes us all mothers.
When my friend suggested I blog about being a new (older) mom, I initially thought, Isn't starting a Mommy Blog kind of acting like you think you're the first person to bear a child? Do I fancy myself some expert now that I've pushed out my baby? But then I gave it a little more thought. As an older mom, I encountered some ups and downs, and there will be more to come. Why not share my experiences? We all need support and encouragement. And us "older moms" are a growing body, right?!